Thursday, June 2, 2011

Final Game Interview Blog

             Yesterday I did my final game file. I was really nervous in the beginning but I got through it. I am really glad that I got my interview and also my whole 7th grade globaloria done. Here is my video and the questions that I answered.

Team Introduction:
My name is Ethan. I am the only one on my team so I have all of the roles and responsibilities of the team.

My game is for teens this is because I feel that all the people my age need to make better choices when they are at the fair.They also learn range in this age group. Gameplay:
The player will see the food and have to see if they can move the alien the healthiness number of that food. There will be mini type game in the middle and at the end of my game that will really brings in range.

Learning Goal:
 They will learn how healthy each of the foods are along with learning range.

Fun Factor: I think that what the player will think is fun is seeing the foods they eat and judging them. They will also see how easy range is.
Smart Factor:  If you get it wrong then you are able to see the nutritional value of the food and that could help you to get the problem right. You are also able to see it if you go over the food when you are playing.
Style Factor: An animation that the player does is move the alien with the up,down,and side keys to get him to where he has to go to. I have a sound in my game it is on my first scene.
Originality Factor: I think that what makes my game unique is that I took the range that I knew (adding numbers then dividing them by how many you have and there you go)and made it to where you choose from a range of 1-10. But I do have range in my game it is at the middle and end.

  • The Big Idea: Provide an update on your team's game topic. What is the most important concept you want your players to learn?

  • I want my players to learn a lot about about the healthiness of the foods. I also want them to learn to do range. 

  • Making Decisions as a Team: How did your team's ideas about the game topic change over time?

  • I think that I idea changed a lot. For example I thought that I wasn't going to have actual range and I thought that I was going to drag the alien and not use the keys.

  • Roles & Responsibilities: Tell us more about your team process. Please each talk about your specific roles, and how you work together.

  • I am the only one in team so I have all the roles and Responsibilities. I think I work really good with myself.

  • Research: What kind of research went into your game topic? What did you learn about your topic? What message do you want the player to understand?

  • I researched the nutritional facts of the foods and the player needs to understand the healthiness of them.

  • The User Experience: Explain the actions players take in your game. How do you play it? What decisions were made about features to include, and how did you decide?

  • The player moves the alien with the keys to the healthiness of the foods you decide by the nutritional facts.

  • Mastering Flash: What Flash resources have been most helpful in your learning so far, and why? How did you locate these resources?

  • The code library has been really helpful and it is one of the links on the wiki.

  • Overcoming Challenges: What curriculum topic has been most difficult for you so far? How did you overcome this difficulty? What programming features are you most proud of in your game?

  • I think that some codes were very challenging and I overcame them by asking a lot of questions to my teacher. I am proud just how much code was able to go into my game.

    Thursday, May 26, 2011


    Computer Research
      The researcher came and interviewed me today and I feel that I did really good. I was very nervous when started but I got relaxed. I think that I did the best that I could and I think I truely showed how much Mrs.Sheppard taught.

    Monday, May 23, 2011

    The School Year

              I was really nervous about the whole Globaloria thing when we first started, but I have grow to really like it. Looking back at it there was a lot of ups and downs and even though there might of been way more downs than ups but when I had ups they were great. I had a great time this year and I am probably going to be in it next year. This will be great because I will be the master of flash and I will know what the different codes are. Enjoy the pictures.

    Tuesday, May 17, 2011

    Final Game

     I got my game done! I am so happy. I am so glad that I do not have to work on it anymore because it was really stressing me out. I was really worried about my game coming together but I think that it did. Here is my game and I hope that you like it. You can also see in on my wiki page.

    Wednesday, May 11, 2011

    Almost There

             We are so close to having everything done. I can almost taste being done. I am so happy that I was able to make it through a year of globaloria. I look back on it now and I realize that I thought that blogging would be the most difficult part of this class, but it is really the codes that are the funny part. I amgoing to miss globaloria over the summer. I hope that I get the oportuniy to be in it next year. Enjoy the funny pics.

    Wednesday, May 4, 2011


          Let me start off by saying oooccccchhhhhhhhhh!!!! Alright now I am good so yesterday I left school early to go and get braces. The first 3 to 3 and a half hours that I had them I was like "Man this great my braces don't hurt". Then at about 8 they started to feel weirder, but do let me tell you that they feel weird the whole time. I know what caused: one my long time for them them to hurt and two for them to start and it is the same thing which is the Advil That I took after I got them on. So having Advil made them feel good but like all medicines it wore out and made them hurt. After a little I took more and had a good night sleep but when I woke bang they hurt AGAIN!!!! So I have a love / hate relationship with braces.

    Wednesday, April 27, 2011


            Finally!!!! We did my game demo file. It has been rescheduled at least two times. I am so glad I got it done because it keep making me nervous. I thought today O great the people in New York are not going to like my game but they LIKED IT!!!! I was so happy. I am so glad that I don't have to worry about demos anymore and I can finally do my game the whole class time instead of looking and have to change it.